Want to have a personalized glass? Well here is how YOU can do it!

What you need:
*Paint Brushes
*Paint made for painting glass. (I like to use the stuff that you can bake in the oven rather than waiting 21 days for it to fully dry.)
If you would like the inside of your glass to say something, then the easiest thing to do it print it out:

This one will read "Fill me up!" To make it I used word art, picked a font and then mirrored it and printed it out. Now you need to line it up in your glass so the mirrored part can be read on the OUTSIDE of the glass. It is going to look like jibberish and will be hard to paint, but that is why you have a pattern! The next 3 photos will demonstrate how it will end up after the pattern is OUT.

This is a close-up of where you paint, and make sure it is THICK! (this is the hardest part)

What the bottom of the glass will look out before the rest of the paint.

This is what the inside will look like. Notice you can READ it!
And now you will need to choose a color for the base of the outside of the glass.

The above was painted the smooth technique. *the perks--makes it easy to paint on after. the bad--you will have to do several coats to block out any streaked lines and each time you must wait a significant amount of time so it can dry.

In the above picture I painted a black coat and then used a sponge brush to create a textured look. *The perk--fills in spaces easier and makes it easier to block out light. *The bad--when you paint over the texture it is a little harder and takes more time.
Now look inside...

Here is the "Fill me up!" after the outside is painted pink.

And this is the other one with black. (please ignore the 1 letter that is backwards. 'e'. STILL not sure how that happened..
Now you can paint whatever you want on the outside! I did squiggles for my 2 glasses and inverted the colors. You still have to paint heavy, which is hard and the stem of the glass will be a challenge. For the base I just painted the bottom the solid color I wanted and then added decoration coming off the stem.

Final product! Now go get some wine and fill 'er up!!